Ropelink provides access, support documentation and condition assessment of structures for engineers, architects, owners and contractors. On many occasions, the threat of deteriorated, distressed or unsafe conditions may require immediate attention.
Ropelink provides economical solutions by minimising mobilisation costs, setting up and vacating sites quickly and reducing disruption to adjacent work areas. Fully equipped teams of Ropelink technicians can be mobilised to any site to attend to the emergency stabilzation and temporary repair of building facades.
Typical services include:
- Spall removal/selective demolition
- Installation of containment netting
- Pinning and strapping
- Installation of monitoring controls
- Sealant re-instatement
- Small concrete repairs
- Netting
- Resin-injection to repair concrete cracks
- Installation of mechanical and epoxy anchors
Ropelink?s workload covers a broad range of structures. From the large glazed atria and structural steelwork of modern developments to the masonry and timber of historic buildings. By using Ropelink to provide emergency and temporary repairs, clients mitigate immediate safety concerns, reduce the rate of future damage caused by further deterioration, preserve capital and buy time so that they can make informed and prudent decisions on the long term repair of their building fa?ade.